Whether you are travelling for business or leisure, we are thrilled to welcome you to the Twin Ports area. It is our pleasure to be able to accommodate you for all your Kosher and Shabbat needs.
Whether you are just passing through or spending a few days, it will be our pleasure to assist you with your kosher needs. There are a few items available locally at various stores.
Still can't find what you need? Contact us here.
Looking for Shabbat
Chabad is located within walking distance to several vacation rentals and hotels listed below. Please reach out to us if you would like to join us for a service or a Shabbat meal.
Unplug together with us as we experience Shabbat together as a community.
Beginning with an easy-to-follow beginners prayer service and Torah thoughts to inspire your week, our service uses Hebrew-English prayer books so everyone can follow along and it is designed for the beginner and veteran synagogue-goer alike.
A (need we say) delicious, Kiddush lunch, which may or may not include traditional matza ball soup and cholent, will follow.
"Experience Shabbat" is open to all and no synagogue membership is required to participate.
The Kiddush luncheon is sponsored by members of the community for the benefit of all who attend on Shabbat morning. A delicious and pleasant sit-down Lunch is a wonderful way to mark an occasion that is special to you. Contact us for details.